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Geboren 1958 in Basel, studierte Keramik am Tekisui-Institut in Ashiya in Japan, gefolgt von 5 Jahren als Assistentin der japanischen Künstlerin Takako Araki. Heute arbeitet sie in ihrem Atelier in Basel.


Ihre Skulpturen spielen mit dem Wechsel zwischen dem einzigartigen Objekt und dem Bruchteil eines Ganzen; dem Unterschied von Fundobjekt, Splitter, Felsbrocken und der Form, die in der Phantasie definiert wird. Ein Dialog entsteht zwischen dem Rhythmus der Strukturen und Ausbuchtungen, und der Spannung der Volumen der in ihrer Position variablen Skulpturen.






Violette Fassbaender was born in Basel in 1958 and studied ceramics at Tekisui Institute in Ashiya, Japan, and later assisted Japanese master artists for five years. Today she works at her studio in Basel. Her sculptures cause an alternation between the unique object and the object as part of a whole. There is a gap between fragment-objects, splinters, fallen rocks, and unique objects defined in the imagination. A dialogue is created, born from the rhythm of the different volumes containing these sculptures, and the tension of the vaults whose bulge is different.


The sculptures give at first glance sensations of weight, suggesting stone, rock, petrification. They often rely on a single point of support and swing as soon as they are touched, because they are not anchored in the ground. Thus they are light and sensitive, open to any vibration. The cracked surfaces result from multiple layers of thinly piled porcellain "dough" mixed with mangan clay.

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